15 June 2005

For democracy

The Financial Times has some praise to lavish on the South African President, Thabo Mbeki, for his firm stand and sacking of Deputy President Zuma, who finds himself in the middle of a fraud scandal.

I am waiting with bated breath for the next move of Mbeki.

His courage may come at a price. The political scene around Mbeki is rather fraud with pitfalls and undercurrents. He might just have pried open a fissure through which he himself very soon could be tumbling into oblivion. Ambition runs high in the new black South African political stratosphere. As of yet, there is no clear successor to Dr Zuma in the wings. The tension between the common expectation of the masses and the opportunistic ambitions of some leaders-in-waiting might prove a rather rambunctious genie let out of the bottle by this sacking of Zuma.

Interesting times ahead Down Under.

[Mbeki's Stand]

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