31 March 2007

Call a spade a spade

The English have a knack for candid sayings. One such saying jumps to mind upon hearing the latest uttering from the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Olmert, regarding the Palestinian refugee question: Call a spade a spade. Yet, we are treated to spin and more spin.

According to the NY Times, Mr. Olmert told one Israeli newspaper this past week that he would not accept the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homes. The refugees fled Israel during the 1948 war between Israel and Arab nations.

On the other hand, the NY Times reported the view amongst Palestinians that even before the Arab nations attacked Israel, many Arabs had fled or had been forced to flee by Jewish fighters. After the war, Israel barred their return.

Apparently, the majority of Israelis appear to have an aversion to significant numbers of Palestinians inside the borders of Israel in fear of undermining "the Jewish nature of the state", to quote the NY Times. Deja vu again, I am afraid. Smacks of Apartheid, one could say. Only, no major Western government or spokesman utters a whisper along that line.

It appears that as long as Israel nestles under the armpit of the USA, very few figures of any international or national prominence would dare call a spade a spade with regard to Israel and the Palestinian issue. Meanwhile, the region is digging itself ever deeper into a trench. Only problem is that the rest of the world may just slip over the edge into that very trench to tear itself apart once more.

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